Ambassador Program
Are you a connoisseur of real?
Become an ambassador!
We’re looking for individuals to become NôMI Ambassadors to represent our brand and products. If you love what’s authentic, real, and genuine, you understand NôMI. Our ambassadors will get lots of delicious sparkling water to enjoy, as well as some NôMI swag to help represent.
Ready to become the next NôMI Ambassador? You’re just two steps away:
1. Sample our social side.
Ambassadors are expected to submit at least five high-quality photos per month. These photos should fit the NôMI style. So first, check out NôMI social media for a sense of the look and feel we prefer: genuine, engaging people enjoying authentic, healthy experiences!
2. Share your social flair.
We’d love to see your social media savvy as well. Email your social profiles to and tell us why you want to become a NôMI Ambassador.
Thanks for keeping it real with NôMI!